活動名稱(Activity Name):校務研究系列研習工作坊(一):輕鬆學習R語言:入門與應用
活動類別(Activity Category):工作坊
主 講 人:
提供餐點(Provide meals):
認證類別(Certification category):
報名日期(Registration Date):2018/5/7 上午 08:00:59 ~ 2018/6/2 下午 05:00:59
活動日期(Activity Date):2018/6/19 ~ 2018/6/26
活動時間(Activity Time):9:00 ~ 16:00
活動時數(Active Hours):12 小時
認證點數(Certification points):0
活動地點(Event Location):C107
場地地址(Activity space):
活動簡介(Introduction):一、 目的:數據時代已經到來,需要用到數據的地方也越來越多,因此本課程透過免費的R語言軟體,幫助您進行數據分析。無論是從未接觸過R語言的初學者、想學習R語言的資料科學基本應用的初學者、或是想快速應用R語言套件的初階使用者,歡迎報名校務研究系列研習工作坊。
二、 授課講師:郭耀仁講師(畢業於臺灣大學商學研究所,是資料科學與推廣教育的愛好者,目前是新創團隊 Kyosei.ai 的共同創辦人之一)
三、 授課日期:107年6月19日(星期二)及6月26日(星期二)
四、 授課時間:上午09:00~下午16:00(共2次,計12小時)
五、 授課教室:南華大學成均館C107教室
六、 研習人數:45人
七、 課程大綱:
1. 6/19(二):R語言入門—快速上手、變數型別、流程控制、資料結構、內建函數、迴圈、自訂函數。
2. 6/26(二):R語言應用—資料載入、資料處理、資料輸出、視覺化、應用實例。
八、 報名網址:http://necis.nhu.edu.tw/TASystem/Activity/ActivityDetailSet?id=10013
九、 主辦單位:南華大學高教深耕計畫辦公室、高教深耕分項計畫C12
十、 承辦單位:南華大學校務研究辦公室 陳冠良 分機:1140
聯 絡 人(Contact person):陳冠良
聯絡電話(Contact number):05-3102100#1140
人數上限(Maximum number of people):限 45 人 (已報名 45 人)
報名費用(Activity fee):0 元
售票地點(Ticket sales location):
附加檔案(Attach file):
備 註(Remark):
Personal Data Protection Statement
【Personal Data Usage Consent Form 】
In accordance with Article 8, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Data Protection Act
(hereinafter referred to as the PDPA), participants in this event are hereby
informed of the following matters. Please ensure that you read them carefully
before providing your information for participation in this event.
1.Collection of Personal Data Entity: Nanhua University (hereinafter referred to
as "the University") and the commissioned unit responsible for organizing this
event .
2.Purpose of Collection: Necessary for the recording of the "Event Name"
3.Categories of Personal Data: Name, contact phone number, email, and other
4.Period, Scope, Recipients, and Methods of Personal Data Utilization :
(1)Duration: The specific purpose for which personal data is collected, the
retention period specified by relevant laws or contracts, or the period required
by the University for the execution of its business.
(2)Region: Domestic
(3)Recipients: The University, agencies commissioned by the University, and
necessary personnel involved in the execution of this event.
(4) 方式:以自動化機器或其他非自動化之利用方式。
(4) Method: Utilized through automated machines or other non-automated means.
5.In accordance with Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act, participants
in this event understand that they have the following rights regarding the
personal data they provide:
In accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act, you may
exercise the right to inquire or review, obtain copies, supplement or correct,
suspend the collection, processing, or use, and request deletion of your
personal data held by the University. However, the University may be exempted
from complying with such requests if it is necessary for the performance of
official duties in accordance with the law.
6.The impact of not providing personal information on your rights and interests.
Participants in this event are free to choose whether to provide their personal
information to the University. If the relevant personal data is refused,
participation in the event will not be possible. In the event of a report or if
the University discovers insufficient evidence to confirm the participant's
identity or other instances of personal information misuse, impersonation, or
false information, and the University is unable to conduct necessary
verification procedures, the University reserves the right to suspend the
provision of related services for this event. We apologize for any inconvenience
this may cause.
7.I hereby consent to provide my personal information (name, contact phone
number, email) to the commissioned unit and the organizing unit, as stated in
Section 3. I agree that my personal data may be collected, processed, and used
by the organizing unit for the purposes of event participation, data storage and
organization, mailing, taxation, etc. There are no restrictions on the duration,
region, recipients, and methods of utilization, and the organizing unit may also
delegate these actions to a third party.
8.I hereby consent to provide my personal data (name, contact number, email)
(consistent with the content of Article 3) to the organizing and administering
entities. I agree that my personal data may be collected, processed, and
utilized for purposes such as event participation, data storage and
organization, mailing, and tax-related matters. The duration, region,
recipients, and methods of such use shall not be restricted. Additionally, I
consent to the delegation of the aforementioned activities to third parties.
9.The personal data collected during my volunteer service period (specified
during the event) will be deleted and destroyed after a retention period of 7
months (in accordance with the retention period on the personal data inventory
table of each unit).
Personal Data Protection Statement * (Required)
【Agree to the personal data protection statement】